The Japanese Southern Alps: Mount Kita to Mount Tekari – 南アルプス大縦走:北岳から光岳まで。

Hello again everybody, Alex here. As always I’ve been fairly caught up in real life affairs, but thought I’d finally get around to updating this with a rather large post that covers one of my biggest trips from last year: The Southern Alps – where I completed 7 of the Hundred Famous Mountains over aContinue reading “The Japanese Southern Alps: Mount Kita to Mount Tekari – 南アルプス大縦走:北岳から光岳まで。”

Mount Haku (白山) – Hyakumeizan #37 

Hello again friends, Alex here. This time I’ll be covering a small(ish) trip up the second of the three “holy” mountains of Japan: Mount Haku. Standing at 2,702m it is the smallest of the three, with Tateyama (立山) at 3,015m and Mount Fuji (富士山) at 3,776m. Regardless, following a shuttle bus up to the “starting”Continue reading “Mount Haku (白山) – Hyakumeizan #37 ”

Mount Amakazari, Hiuchi and Myoko (雨飾山、火打山と妙高山の縦走)- Hyakumeizan #34-36.

Hello again friends, Alex here. This mountain entry, or entries in this case (as it covers three Hyakumeizan and 5 major “peaks” all in all), cover the journey I took immediately after Mount Kashimayari, with Mount Amakazari, Mount Hiuchi and Mount Myoko all being areas I wanted to call in at for this trip. AlongsideContinue reading “Mount Amakazari, Hiuchi and Myoko (雨飾山、火打山と妙高山の縦走)- Hyakumeizan #34-36.”

Northern Alps: Mount Kashimayari (鹿島槍ヶ岳) – Hyakumeizan #33

Hello again friends, Alex here. This journey was quite a long one on the 3rd of July from last year, starting with Mount Kashimayari, then proceeding on afterwards to a different series of mountains that I will cover in a separate post. Those of you familiar with Japan’s seasons will also be aware that JulyContinue reading “Northern Alps: Mount Kashimayari (鹿島槍ヶ岳) – Hyakumeizan #33”

Northern Alps: Mount Yake (焼岳)- Hyakumeizan #32

Hello friends, it’s been an awfully long time on account of a variety of personal issues, but I’ve finally decided to get around to updating the blog with a massive backlog of mountains from June 2021 onwards. There’s a good 20 or so individual peaks that I aimed for with countless along the way soContinue reading “Northern Alps: Mount Yake (焼岳)- Hyakumeizan #32”

Mount Hotaka: Hyakumeizan #31 – Two day trip in the Northern Alps featuring snow (again) (25.05.2021): 奥穂高岳「日本第三最高峰」

Hello again everybody, it’s me once more. This time we’ll be going into the Northern Alps again, but with a much larger objective as a target: The joint-third tallest mountain in Japan: Mount (oku)-Hotaka (3,190m). There are a number of routes that one can access Mount Hotaka, but with it still being the snow seasonContinue reading “Mount Hotaka: Hyakumeizan #31 – Two day trip in the Northern Alps featuring snow (again) (25.05.2021): 奥穂高岳「日本第三最高峰」”

Northern Alps Day Trip: Mount Jōnen (常念岳): Hyakumeizan #30 (14/05/21)

Hello again everybody, Alex back again with another mountain blog post. This time I’ll cover a quick day trip mountain, rather than a series: venturing out to Mount Jōnen: one of the Easternmost mountains within the Northern Alps. At 2,857 metres elevation, it acts as an excellent vantage point to observe the Hotaka-Yari ridgeline toContinue reading “Northern Alps Day Trip: Mount Jōnen (常念岳): Hyakumeizan #30 (14/05/21)”

Return to the Southern Alps Part 2: Traverse to Mount Kaikoma (甲斐駒ヶ岳): Hyakumeizan#29. 19/04/21-20/04/21

Hello again everybody, Alex here. This is part two of the previous Southern Alps entry (found here: In this entry we’ll be continuing on from just past Mount Kannon that I reached in the morning of day two, with a rather long day ahead of us moving towards an area known as Sensui-goya (仙水小屋)Continue reading “Return to the Southern Alps Part 2: Traverse to Mount Kaikoma (甲斐駒ヶ岳): Hyakumeizan#29. 19/04/21-20/04/21”

Return to the Southern Alps Part 1: (Two) of the Three peaks of Hōō – Mount Yakushi and Kannon – (鳳凰三山:薬師岳と観音岳): Hyakumeizan#28. 19/04/21-20/04/21

Hello again everybody, Alex here back with another blog post. This time I’ll be covering two main hundred famous mountains down in the Southern Alps of Japan: Mount Hōō (2,840m) and Mount Kaikoma (2,967m). I planned this out to be a rather lengthy, albeit easy-paced hike, spanning over 3 days, and a good 25km ofContinue reading “Return to the Southern Alps Part 1: (Two) of the Three peaks of Hōō – Mount Yakushi and Kannon – (鳳凰三山:薬師岳と観音岳): Hyakumeizan#28. 19/04/21-20/04/21”

“The Golden Ridge” Series Part 2 – Mt. Kinpu and Kobushi (金峰稜線編:金峰山・甲武信ヶ岳): Hyakumeizan #18 and 19. 05/12/20

Hello again everybody, Alex here. Back again fairly quickly with the follow-up to the previous post, which was part one of “The Golden Ridge” series. This time I’ll cover the latter two hundred famous mountains – Mt. Kinpu and Mt. Kobushi that I traversed over to on the second two, and made my quick escapeContinue reading ““The Golden Ridge” Series Part 2 – Mt. Kinpu and Kobushi (金峰稜線編:金峰山・甲武信ヶ岳): Hyakumeizan #18 and 19. 05/12/20”

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