The Japanese Alps! Day 2: Mt. Utsugi (空木岳)Hyakumeizan #4! 30/05/2020

Hello again! This is part two of two of my expedition to the Central region of the Japanese Alps, and will follow my adventure from the base of Mt. Hōken, across the Eastern Kiso (木曽) mountain ridge, and ending at Mt. Utsugi, and then my subsequent descent. (Find part one of my Alps trip here:Continue reading “The Japanese Alps! Day 2: Mt. Utsugi (空木岳)Hyakumeizan #4! 30/05/2020”

The Japanese Alps! Day 1: Mt. Kisokoma (木曽駒ケ岳)Hyakumeizan #3! 29/05/2020

Hello everybody, long (ish) time no speak! Recently I took an expedition out to the Japanese Alps in Nagano Prefecture, or more specifically, the “central” alps – which is comprised of the Kiso (木曽) mountain range. My hike this time also introduced camping to me for the first time ever – so I’ll split thisContinue reading “The Japanese Alps! Day 1: Mt. Kisokoma (木曽駒ケ岳)Hyakumeizan #3! 29/05/2020”

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