Kyushu Series 3: Stranded on Mount Miyanoura (宮之浦岳の遭難事件) 09/01/21

Following departing mainline Kyushu via plane from Kagoshima airport, I travelled South to the island of Yakushima. Yakushima houses another one of the hundred famous mountains – Mount Miyanoura – which stands above 1,900m, and as such, is the tallest of the hundred famous mountains in Kyushu, and in fact, Southwestern Japan. I arrived onContinue reading “Kyushu Series 3: Stranded on Mount Miyanoura (宮之浦岳の遭難事件) 09/01/21”

Kyushu Series 2: Mount Kirishima and Mount Kaimon (霧島山「韓国岳」と開聞岳): Hyakumeizan #25 and #26. 07/01/21-08/01/21

Hello again, Alex here back with the second of three parts that covers my Kyushu trip back in early January 2021. Covered here are Mount Kirishima and its highest peak, Karakuni-dake (1700m), and Mount Kaimon (924m), which stands overlooking Kagoshima bay on the Southern coast of Kyushu. The weather was a bit hit or missContinue reading “Kyushu Series 2: Mount Kirishima and Mount Kaimon (霧島山「韓国岳」と開聞岳): Hyakumeizan #25 and #26. 07/01/21-08/01/21”

Kyushu Series 1: Mount Aso, Mount Kuju, Mount Sobo (阿蘇山、九重山、祖母山): Hyakumeizan #22-#24. 03/01/21-05/01/21

Hello again everybody, (as always), long time no see. This is the first of three parts that will make up the Kyushu mountain series that I almost finished back in early January. This first part will cover three mountains in central Kyushu that are almost equidistant from one another: Mount Aso (1,592m), Mount Kuju (1,791m),Continue reading “Kyushu Series 1: Mount Aso, Mount Kuju, Mount Sobo (阿蘇山、九重山、祖母山): Hyakumeizan #22-#24. 03/01/21-05/01/21”

Mount Tsukuba (筑波山): Hyakumeizan #20. 11/12/20

Hello everybody, long time no see. I thought I’d update this with one of my one-day trips I did back at the beginning of December – the twin peaks of the Purple Mountain – Mount Tsukuba over in Ibaraki Prefecture next to Tokyo city. The twin peaks are split between “Female” and “Male” peaks (Nyotai-sanContinue reading “Mount Tsukuba (筑波山): Hyakumeizan #20. 11/12/20”

“The Golden Ridge” Series Part 2 – Mt. Kinpu and Kobushi (金峰稜線編:金峰山・甲武信ヶ岳): Hyakumeizan #18 and 19. 05/12/20

Hello again everybody, Alex here. Back again fairly quickly with the follow-up to the previous post, which was part one of “The Golden Ridge” series. This time I’ll cover the latter two hundred famous mountains – Mt. Kinpu and Mt. Kobushi that I traversed over to on the second two, and made my quick escapeContinue reading ““The Golden Ridge” Series Part 2 – Mt. Kinpu and Kobushi (金峰稜線編:金峰山・甲武信ヶ岳): Hyakumeizan #18 and 19. 05/12/20”

“The Golden Ridge” Series Part 1 – Mt. Mizugaki (金峰稜線編:瑞牆山): Hyakumeizan #17. 04/12/20

Hello again everybody, Alex here. I thought I’d finally get around to updating this with a couple of mountains that I did back at the start of December – beginning with a trip out to “The Golden Ridge” series – three of the Hundred Famous mountains of Japan – Mt. Mizugaki, Mt. Kinpu, and Mt.Continue reading ““The Golden Ridge” Series Part 1 – Mt. Mizugaki (金峰稜線編:瑞牆山): Hyakumeizan #17. 04/12/20″

Yatsugatake Series Part 2 – Mt. Tateshina and Mt. Kuruma (八ヶ岳編:蓼科山及び霧ヶ峰): Hyakumeizan #15 and #16. 22/11/20-23/11/20

Hello again everybody, Alex here. Apologies for the wait, here is part two to my Yatsugatake series, where I traversed over to Mt. Tateshina, then on the next day made my way back down to civilisation, calling in at Kirigamine’s main peak, Mt. Kuruma (車山) on the way. The day where I headed over toContinue reading “Yatsugatake Series Part 2 – Mt. Tateshina and Mt. Kuruma (八ヶ岳編:蓼科山及び霧ヶ峰): Hyakumeizan #15 and #16. 22/11/20-23/11/20”

Yatsugatake Series Part 1 – Mt. Aka (八ヶ岳編:赤岳): Hyakumeizan #14. 21/11/20

Hello everybody, Alex here. As always, slightly late updating this, as I have a fair bit of a backlog of mountains at the moment, but here we are! This time I went on a three day ridge walk spanning from Mt. Aka in the Yatsugatake range to Kirigamine’s main peak, Mt. Kuruma (霧ヶ峰の車山), passing throughContinue reading “Yatsugatake Series Part 1 – Mt. Aka (八ヶ岳編:赤岳): Hyakumeizan #14. 21/11/20”

Mt. Tsurugi [Tokushima] (剣山): Hyakumeizan #13. 01/11/20

Hello again, its me, Alex. A quick follow up to my previous post, I did this hike the following day after Mt. Ishizuchi, and this time as you probably guessed from the title, it’s Mt. Tsurugi in Tokushima prefecture. Mt. Tsurugi stands at 1,955m tall, and is the second tallest mountain in Western Japan (WestContinue reading “Mt. Tsurugi [Tokushima] (剣山): Hyakumeizan #13. 01/11/20”

Mt. Ishizuchi (石鎚山): Hyakumeizan #12. 31/10/20

Hello everybody, this was long overdue – apologies for the somewhat sporadic postings as of late, I’ve been getting gradually encroached upon by that thing known as reality…! Anyways, this hike took place back on Halloween, and was to Mt. Ishizuchi in the Shikoku area of Japan, in the Southwest. Mt. Ishizuchi is the soContinue reading “Mt. Ishizuchi (石鎚山): Hyakumeizan #12. 31/10/20”

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