Kyushu Series 2: Mount Kirishima and Mount Kaimon (霧島山「韓国岳」と開聞岳): Hyakumeizan #25 and #26. 07/01/21-08/01/21

Hello again, Alex here back with the second of three parts that covers my Kyushu trip back in early January 2021. Covered here are Mount Kirishima and its highest peak, Karakuni-dake (1700m), and Mount Kaimon (924m), which stands overlooking Kagoshima bay on the Southern coast of Kyushu. The weather was a bit hit or missContinue reading “Kyushu Series 2: Mount Kirishima and Mount Kaimon (霧島山「韓国岳」と開聞岳): Hyakumeizan #25 and #26. 07/01/21-08/01/21”

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