Kyushu Series 1: Mount Aso, Mount Kuju, Mount Sobo (阿蘇山、九重山、祖母山): Hyakumeizan #22-#24. 03/01/21-05/01/21

Hello again everybody, (as always), long time no see. This is the first of three parts that will make up the Kyushu mountain series that I almost finished back in early January. This first part will cover three mountains in central Kyushu that are almost equidistant from one another: Mount Aso (1,592m), Mount Kuju (1,791m),Continue reading “Kyushu Series 1: Mount Aso, Mount Kuju, Mount Sobo (阿蘇山、九重山、祖母山): Hyakumeizan #22-#24. 03/01/21-05/01/21”

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