Transferring over to Substack for the foreseeable future.

Hello friends, long time no speak – Alex here. I just thought I’d briefly update you all as to the fact that I am slowly building myself up to reviving writing about mountains – this time over on Substack, however, as I am unfortunately out of free data allowance on WordPress (due to my avidContinue reading “Transferring over to Substack for the foreseeable future.”

The Northern Alps Series: Mt. Tsurugi (剱岳): Hyakumeizan #6. 21/06/20

Hello again everybody, it’s me again. This is the second and final day of my Northern Alps expedition this time, and although today had an incredibly unfortunate ending, it was just as unforgettable as yesterday. Mt. Tsurugi lies before me today and the extensive amount of climbing proved to be both a challenging and fantasticContinue reading “The Northern Alps Series: Mt. Tsurugi (剱岳): Hyakumeizan #6. 21/06/20”

The Northern Alps Series: Mt. Tate (立山): Hyakumeizan #5. 20/06/20

Hello there everybody, I bring to you the beginning part of the Northern Alps series – as I didn’t want to attempt all 13 100 famous mountains within that range in one trip! In this journey from 20/06/20-21/06/20 I set out to tackle one of the three Holy Mountains in Japan, Mt. Tate (立山、3015m), andContinue reading “The Northern Alps Series: Mt. Tate (立山): Hyakumeizan #5. 20/06/20”

The Japanese Alps! Day 2: Mt. Utsugi (空木岳)Hyakumeizan #4! 30/05/2020

Hello again! This is part two of two of my expedition to the Central region of the Japanese Alps, and will follow my adventure from the base of Mt. Hōken, across the Eastern Kiso (木曽) mountain ridge, and ending at Mt. Utsugi, and then my subsequent descent. (Find part one of my Alps trip here:Continue reading “The Japanese Alps! Day 2: Mt. Utsugi (空木岳)Hyakumeizan #4! 30/05/2020”

The Japanese Alps! Day 1: Mt. Kisokoma (木曽駒ケ岳)Hyakumeizan #3! 29/05/2020

Hello everybody, long (ish) time no speak! Recently I took an expedition out to the Japanese Alps in Nagano Prefecture, or more specifically, the “central” alps – which is comprised of the Kiso (木曽) mountain range. My hike this time also introduced camping to me for the first time ever – so I’ll split thisContinue reading “The Japanese Alps! Day 1: Mt. Kisokoma (木曽駒ケ岳)Hyakumeizan #3! 29/05/2020”

About me/This blog

Hello everybody, my name is Alex. Recently I’ve become increasingly more interested in climbing mountains around Japan, and as a result have decided to document these adventures a bit more accurately than just through Twitter/Facebook updates. I won’t go into too much detail regarding my personal information, but I am currently studying at a post-graduateContinue reading “About me/This blog”

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